Monthly Meetings
Our meetings take place on the third Monday of the month at 476 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pompton Plains NJ 07444. The meetings start at 7pm and end at 9pm. Meetings usually include a guest speaker or member presentations. There are also annual activities such as our swap meet, holiday party and member showcase.
At the start of the pandemic the club began holding its meetings on Zoom. We continued this practice after we resumed in person meetings. Many of the Zoom meetings were recorded and are available to be viewed by current members. Here’s a list of the available recordings.
Becoming a Member
We’re always eager to welcome new members. If you’re interested in trying us out, come to one of our monthly meetings. The first time you attend is free. After that, annual dues are $50. We also have a family plan (2 people for $75) as well as a student plan ($25). For those who don’t discover us until the later part of the year and join after July 1, dues are $25. Although the club has been in existence for approximately 12 years, we’re still learning and growing and happy to have you join us on our journey. Specific questions regarding the club can be sent to Gordon Creighton at (though please be patient in waiting for a reply).
If you’re ready to join we have several options available to accomplish that:
- When we resume in person meetings, you can simply attend a meeting and sign up. If you find that we’re not to your liking, simply leave. Everyone is entitled to a free meeting so you’re under no obligation to join. Information for our regular meetings is posted on the website. We meet at 476 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pompton Plains
- You can attend your free meeting via Zoom and if you’re interested in becoming a member, pay via one of the other options. To have a Zoom link for the meeting sent to you, email Gordon Creighton at the address above or use the email link at the top of the page.
- We have a PayPal option for those with an account. Begin by going to to register your contact info in our system. After that, go to PayPal, lookup and make your payment.
- We have an option for those who prefer to send a check via USPS mail. As above, begin by going to to register your contact info in our system. Then send a check payable to the North Jersey Woodworkers Association, Inc. to
Kris Wigness
We look forward to seeing you either live or via one of our Zoom meetings, and we look forward to a having you join us for a full year of club activities and lots of woodworking.
Thanks from your NJWA Leadership Team
Group Projects
Presently, there are no group projects being undertaken. In the past, a group of 7 members built a portable workbench, which is used for meeting demonstrations and for use at our booth at the annual woodworking show. The bench is being styled after the Moravian Workbench popularize by Will Myers. Here are pictures of the workbench in progress.
There have been a number of other group projects such as building 4 student workbenches for the on-site classes given by Phil Lowe.
Presently we’re looking for volunteers to lead our 2020 group projects.
Skill Building Sessions
Skill building sessions are an opportunity for members with a particular expertise to conduct hands on classes for other members. The sessions usually take place at a member’s workshop and tend to be held during nicer weather. Here are some examples previous sessions that the club has conducted.
Activities and Trips
The club has visited the workshops of various craftsman such as George Nakashima and Sacco and Birnbaum. We are currently planning a trip to the Yale University Art Museum where we will tour their collection of fine furniture. Follow this link for more information about activities and trips.